15th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, Telecom ParisTech, Paris, France, 15th - 19th May, 2017

Information for authors

Click here to submit.

Student Grants

WiOpt 2017 will offer a certain amount of student grants that will cover part of the expenses for students who have a paper accepted for publication and wish to come to Paris. The amount will depend on the demand but is expected to be around 500€ per student. To be eligible, send a CV, the EDAS Id of your accepted paper and a letter of recommendation from your thesis supervisor to
marceau dot coupechoux AT telecom-paristech dot fr
anastasios dot giovanidis AT lip6 dot fr.

No-show policy

To guarantee publication of a WiOpt paper, at least one author should be registered at full rate and present the work at the conference.


WiOpt is technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Control Systems Society, IEEE Information Theory Society and IFIP. All papers will be published in the IFIP DL open library with Open Access, as well as on IEEE Xplore.

Instructions for submission

Help with embedded fonts

Sometimes the embedding of fonts can be an issue. Here are some points to overcome this problem.

Times, Helvetica etc are used by \usepackage{}: if you do not really need this, disable and run pdflatex. Otherwise, use the command 'pdffonts yourfilename.pdf' to identify if all the fonts are embedded. Ensure that the columns for 'emb' and 'sub' have only 'yes' in it. If not, either use adobe utilities, or try

  1. pdftops filename.pdf
  2. ps2pdf14 -dPDFSETTINGS=/prepress -dEmbedAllFonts=true filename.ps newfilename.pdf
Now you can upload the file newfilename.pdf (please also check pdffonts to see 'yes').

In maths, the bbm package usually is problematic. In such cases, a brute force replacement by some other compatible package or changing the notation will do the trick of eliminating type3 fonts. Use pdffonts to see any Type 3 fonts, such fonts will not pass the pdfeXpress check during the final submission.

In maths, the bbm package usually is problematic. In such cases, a brute force replacement by some other compatible package or changing the notation will do the trick of eliminating type3 fonts. Use pdffonts to see any Type 3 fonts, such fonts will not pass the pdfeXpress check during the final submission.

External images by \includegraphics{} can create problems. A quick way to check is by using \documentclass[draft,letter,conference,10pt] as preamble and run pdflatex. If the resulting PDF file gets through EDAS, the problem is indeed with the images. You can then perform the step below. One way is embed the fonts in each image, by the following command

  1. gs -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -dEmbedAllFonts=true
  2. -sOutputFile=OUTPUT_FILE_NAME.pdf -f INPUT_FILE_NAME.pdf
and then run pdflatex yourfilename.tex.

Technical Sponsors

Financial Sponsors